domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2012


Name: Holly

Latin name: Ilex

Varieties: Ilex aquifolium, Ilex aquifolium (Argentea Marginata, Pyramidalis, Golden Queen), Ilex altaclarensis (JC Van Tol, Golden King)

Foliage: Perennial

Mature height: Over the years can reach 32.8ft.

Description: Its dark green spiny leaves and red berries makes this tree a characteristic one. It is valued as an ornamental shrub. There are some varieties that differ from common Holly, on both the color of its berries, and their leaves.

Generally, it is a slow-growing shrub, being slow reaching tree proportions.

Soil and Location: In the sun or in shade; it is not a demanding bush. Regarding the soil, you will need to incorporate some peat moss when planting the Holly.

Pruning: Hedges are pruned in spring and unique plants in summer. They resist the most severe pruning.

Reproduction: It takes root slowly, can be spread by seed (the seed germination is very irregular and very long-lived), cuttings, grafts of thorn or leaf bud, layered and by division. In autumn, layer the branches or land the cuttings.

Interesting notes: The large specimens cannot bear the transplantation.

The holly can reach very old age reaching more than 300 years. It is important to remember that holly berries contain toxic substances.

As it is a dioecy specimen, it must be males and females plants in order to ripen the fruits.

The evergreen holly branches are mostly used for making crowns and as ornaments on holidays, especially on Christmas. Due to these habits, the hollies forests have suffered large depredations in the past.

The fruits are so valued food for the birds.

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